Urology Blog

Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women: Causes and Treatments

Welcome to HTX Urology, your trusted source for information on urinary incontinence from our specialists in Greater Houston Heights, Memorial City, Galleria, Webster, and Clear Lake, Texas. Women experiencing involuntary urine leakage when they sneeze, cough, and laugh may be affected by stress urinary incontinence or SUI. Although this condition may not pose a health…

Doctor talks to his patient after a medical examination at the clinic

FAQs: Peyronie’s Disease

Welcome to , your trusted source for information on urological health directly from our specialists in Greater Houston Heights, Memorial City, Galleria, Webster, and Clear Lake, Texas. Join us for the next few minutes for valuable insights into a condition that, while not commonly discussed, impacts the lives of many men: Peyronie’s disease (PD). This…

What Are the Causes of An Enlarged Prostate?

The three most common causes of an enlarged prostate are benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), inflammation (prostatitis), and prostate cancer. BPH is extremely common in men, especially as they age. Enlarged Prostate Diagnosis and Treatment at HTX Urology Even if your enlarged prostate isn’t cancerous, it can still cause urinary difficulties, including more frequent urges to…

Navigating the Choice: Finding the Right Vasectomy Surgeon in Houston

Deciding to undergo a vasectomy is a significant step towards family planning. While the procedure itself is straightforward, choosing the right vasectomy surgeon is essential to ensure a safe and successful experience. The expert surgeons at HTX Urology, have prepared the following guide to help you through the process of finding the best vasectomy surgeon…

man holding bent over cactus in front of groin

Finding Hope for Erectile Dysfunction in Houston: The Best Shockwave Therapy Machine

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a common issue affecting many men, it can lead to frustration, anxiety, and strained relationships. A minimally invasive approach that has gained popularity is low-intensity shockwave therapy. In this blog, the experts at HTX Urology will explore the procedure, its effectiveness, and the best shockwave therapy machine for ED available in…

muscular man crossing arms

Understanding Men’s Hormone Therapy: Do You Need HCG with TRT?

Hormone therapy has become a vital tool in managing various health conditions, especially for men with Low Testosterone (Low T), or hypogonadism.For men experiencing symptoms of low testosterone levels, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can be life-changing.  However, questions often arise about the need for human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in conjunction with TRT. The experts at…